The Best Film Archives (Film Archive)
History Buffs (History & Film)
Periscope Film (Film Archive)
SOME MOVIES WITH ANCIENT & MEDIEVAL HISTORY THEMES Listed in rough chronological order: ___s “Contact”, 1997 (F, Opening Pull-Away) http: //¢ref_=fn_al tt 2 ae ___ “Powers of Ten” (M), 1977¢ref_=fn_al tt] _____- “2001: A Space Odyssey”, 1968 (F, “The Dawn of Man”) http: // =nv_ sr] _s “Robin & Marian”, 1976, (F, The Duel & others) nttp://] “Obsession: Radical Islam's War against the West”, 2005 (M*, Special Permission Slip Needed) tt] “Before the Dinosaurs: Walking with Monsters”, 2005 (F, 1st Fish) htto:// /1t0490048/ “Quest for Fire”, 1981 (F, Attack, Quest Given, Mammoths, Atlatl, Return) =nv sr] _____—s “David Macaulay: Pyramid”, 1988 (F, Excerpts) sr] “The Ten Commandments”, 1956 (F, Basket, Parting of the Red Sea, Carving the Tablets) /1t0049833/2eref_ =nv_ sr 2 “Moses: The Lawgiver”, 1974 (F, Analogous Excerpts to 10 Comm.) ntto://] ____s “The Odyssey”, 1997 (M) 2 ____ “Alexander”, 2004 (F, Battle of Gaugamela) 6 ____s “The Eagle”, 2011 (F, Opening & the Turtle) /1t1034389/¢eref_=nv_ sr 2 ____s “Rome”, 2005 (F, Opening Battle) htto://] _____ "Ben-Hur", 1959 (F, Sea Battle & Chariot Race) sr 2 “Gladiator”, 2000 (F, Opening Battle, Cityscape, Arena Combat) sr] “Spartacus”, 1960 (F, To the Death, Vesuvius Battle, | am Spartacus!"”) hitp:// “David Macaulay: Roman City”, 1994 (F, Excerpts) htto:// =nv_sr_ 4 “Monty Python's Life of Brian”, 1979 (Colosseum Concessions & Combat, What the Romans Have Done, JPF Squad)] ____ “I, Claudius”, 1976 (F, Excerpts) | ntto://] _____s “Jesus Christ: Superstar”, 1973 (M) hitp:// _____ “The Last Temptation of Christ”, 1988 (F, Pilate’s Judgment) htto:// =nv_sr_] ____ “The Passion of the Christ”, 2004 (F, Pilate’s Judgment) nttp:// sr_| _____ “The Greatest Story Ever Told”, 1965 (F, Pilate’s Judgment) hitp://] _____ “Barabbas”, 1961 (F, Pilate’s Judgment)] _____ “Agora”, 2009 (F, Debate)] 186830/¢ref_=nv_sr_] “Sign of the Pagan”, 1954 (F, Pope Leo & Attila) nttos//¢ref_=nv_sr_] “The Viking Sagas”, 1995 (F, The Walk & Escape, Training, Culmination) —htto:// =nv_sr_] ___s" Vikings”, 2013 (F, Raid on Lindisfarne) hitp://] ___s “The 13th Warrior’, 1999 (M) hitp:// =nv_sr_] ____ “Beowulf”, 2007 (f, Excerpts) htip://¢ref_ =nv_sr_] _____ “Alfred the Great”, 1969 (F, Danish Battle Chant) nttp:// /110064000/¢ref =nv_sr_] ____ “The Message”, 1976 (F, Depicting the Forbidden)] _____—s “Lawrence of Arabia”, 1962 (F, The Well) hitp://¢ref =nv_ sr 2 ____s “EI Cid”, 1961 (F, Valencia) nitp://¢ref_=nv_sr_] ____ “The Black Adder”, 1982 (F, The Archbishop) /10084988/eref =nv_ sr 3 _____ “Robin Hood”, 2010 (F, Opening Siege) htto://] _____ “The Name of the Rose”, 1986 (M) hitp://éeref_=nv_sr_] “David Macaulay: Cathedral”, 1986 (F, Excerpts)} “Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan”, 2007 (F, Order of Battle) — =nv sr | _____ “The Seventh Seal”, 1957 (F, Chess with Death) hitp://] ____ “Monty Python & the Holy Grail”, 1975 (F, Bring Out Your Dead) sr] ____ “Nosferatu”, 1922 (F, Rat Plague) hitp://] _____ “Metropolis”, 1927 (F, Danse Macabre) =nv_sr_] ___s "Flesh & Blood”, 1985 (F, Opening Battle) 153/2ref_=nv_sr_] “Alexander Nevsky”, 1938 (F, Battle on the Ice) nito:// /110029850/2ref_=nv_ sr 2 SOME MOVIES WITH EUROPEAN HISTORY THEMES Listed in rough chronological order: “Contact”, 1997 (F, Opening Pull-Away) hito:// 18884/¢ref_ =fn_al tt 2 “Powers of Ten” (M), 1977 htto://¢ref_ =fn al tt | “2001: A Soace Odyssey”, 1968 (F, “The Dawn of Man”) hito:// =nv_sr_] “Robin & Marian”, 1976, (F, The Duel & others)¢ref =nv_sr_| “Mongol: The Rise of Genghis Khan”, 2007 (F, Order of Battle) hitp://¢ref =nv_sr_ | “The Seventh Seal”, 1957 (F, Chess with Death) hitp://www. /Title/tt0050976/¢ref_ =nv_sr_] “Monty Python & the Holy Grail”, 1975 (F, Bring Out Your Dead) hito:// 1853/¢ref_=nv_sr_] “Nosferatu”, 1922 (F, Rat Plague) htto://¢ref_ =nv_sr_} “Metropolis”, 1927 (F, Danse Macabre) hitp://¢ref_=nv_sr_ | “Flesh & Blood”, 1985 (F, Opening Battle) 1 53/¢ref_=nv_sr_] ‘Alexander Nevsky”, 1938 (F, Battle on the Ice) hito://¢ref_ =nv_ sr 2 “The Agony & the Ecstasy”, 1965 (F, Opening Documentary, Battle, Inspiration, Critics, Do You Really See Him That Way, Culmination) hittp://¢ref_ =nv_sr_1 “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, 2003 (F, Opening through Studio) =nv_sr_] “Luther”, 2003 (M)¢ref_=nv_sr_ 3 “Cromwell”, 1970 (F, Two Battles, Two Troops In Parliament) http: /title/tt0065593/eref =nv sr 4 “The Bounty”, 1984 (F, Cape Horn)¢ref_=nv_sr_] “Shogun”, 1980 (F, Opening, Manners) hitto://¢ref_=nv_sr_] “Silence”, 2016 (F, Opening, Ending) hitp:// 5/¢ref_ =nv_sr 2 “The Last Emperor", 1987 (F, Becoming Son of Heaven) “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”, 2000 (F, Roof & Treetop Battles) htto:// 190332/¢ref_=nv_sr_] nitp: www. /H0093389/2ref =nv sr ] “Mulan”, 1998 (F, Ancestors) hitp://¢ref_=nv_sr_] “Roots”, 1977 (F, Capture, Passage, Auction) http://www. =nv_ sr 2 “The Three Musketeers”, 1973 (F, City Chase & Windmill Duel)¢ref_=nv_sr 3 “Rob Roy”, 1995 (F, Duel) ht =nv_sr_1 “Barry Lyndon”, 1975 (F, Duel through Discharge) — =nv sr] “Vatel”, 2000 (F, Kitchen Politics)¢ref_=fn al tt] “Blackadder The Third: Episode 2, Ink & Incapability”, 1987 (M) nttp:// =ttep ep tH “Marie Antoinette”, 2006 (F, Opening through Versailles Routine) hito://¢ref_=nv_sr_] “The French Revolution”, 2005 (M) =nv_sr 3 “Time Bandits”, 1981 (F, Napoleon) htto:// 1633/2eref_=nv_sr_] “The Scarlett Pimpernel”, 1999 (F, Robespierre) http://www.¢ref =nv sr 5 “Waterloo”, 1970 (F, Order of Battle & Fighting Squares) =nv sr 2 “David Macaulay: Mill Times”, 2006 (F, Excerpts) htip:// =nv sr 6 “New York: A Documentary Film: Episode 4, Power & People”, 1999 (F, Industrial Immigrant City) htto:// =nv sr 2 “Metropolis”, 1927 (F, The Clock, Machine Moloch, Culmination) nito:// =nv_ sr | “Fall of Eagles”, 1974 (F, Bismarck’s Temper) =nv sr | “Zulu”, 1964 (F, Impis Arrive & Attack, Men of Harlech) htto: “The Man Who Would Be King”, 1975 (F, Polo & Complaints) htt www. =ny sr | /title/tt007 334] eref =nv_ sr 2 __ “The Riddle of the Sands”, 1979 (F, Propaganda) htto://] “All Quiet on the Western Front”, 1979 (M) hitp://¢ref =nv sr 2 “The Razor’s Edge”, 1984 (F, Opening through Isabel’s Departure)¢ref_=nv_sr_| “Lawrence of Arabia”, 1962 (F, Aqaba)¢ref_ =nv_sr_ 2 “Cabaret”, 1972 (F, Tomorrow Is Ours, Life ls A Cabaret) http://www. /2ref_=nv_sr_] “The World at War: Episode 1, A New Germany”, & ALL OTHER EPIOSODES, 1973 (M) hitp://¢ref_=nv_sr_] “The Cardinal”, 1963 (F, Riot)¢ref_ =nv_sr_ 2 “Triumph of the Will”, 1935 (F, Hitler Excerpts) 13/2eref_ =nv_sr_] ___— "1984", 1984 (F, Telescreens) hitp://¢ref_=fn_al tt | “Testimony”, 1988 (F, Composing the 5'. through Zhdanov’s Denunciation) http://www.¢ref_ =nm_flmg act 104 ____s “The Way Back”, 2010 (F, The Gulag) hitp://¢ref_ =nv_sr_] ____ “The Sand Pebbles”, 1966 (F, The Life on Ship) =nv_sr_] “Tora! Tora! Tora!”, 1970 (F, Radar Station & Attack) =nv_ sr] “Casablanca”, 1942 (F, Rick as The American) =nv_sr_] “Lifeboat”, 1944 (F, What Do You Do With People Like That?!)¢ref_ =nv_sr_] “Bataan”, 1943 (F, Last Stand) =nv_sr 2 ____ “Desert Victory”, 1943 (F, Barrage & Sappers) htto:// =nv_ sr_| “Enemy at the Gates”, 2001 (F, Red Square & Sniper Battle) =nv_ sr] ______ “Band of Brothers”, 2001 (F, Landing) hitp://] ____ “The Cruel Sea”, 1953 (F, If You're In It...) htto://¢ref =nv_sr_] “The Pacific”, 2010 (F, John Basilone Excerpts) http://www. /title/tt0374463/eref =nv sr] “Downfall”, 2004 (F, In the Bunker) hitp://¢ref_ =nv_sr_] “Shoah”, 1985 (F, Abraham Bomba’s Testimony) hitp://¢ref =nv sr | “War & Remembrance”, 1988 (F, Arrival at Theresienstadt) htfp:// =nv_ sr] “Judgment at Nuremburg”, 1961 (F, Opening Cityscape & Feldenstein Case) hitp://¢ref_=nv_sr_] “Hannah Arendt”, 2012 (F, The Winds of Thought) = hitp://¢ref_ =nv_sr_1 ____s “The Odessa File”, 1974 (F, Simon Wiesenthal) 1935/eref =nv_sr_] ____ “Passport to Pimlico”, 1949 (F, Rationing) hitp://| ____ “MacArthur”, 1977 (F, Address to Filipinos)¢ref_=nv_sr 3 “Gandhi”, 1982 (F, Salt Satyagraha & Factory-Gate Beatings)¢ref_ =nv_sr_] “The Killing Fields”, 1984 (F, the Fall of Phnom Penh through Evacuation, The Year Zero, Escape) hitp://¢ref_=nv_sr_5 “The Year of Living Dangerously”, 1982 (F, Shadow Play, What Then Must We Do) htto://| “The Lives of Others”, 2006 (F, Opening Interrogation, Culmination) hitp://¢ref_ =nv_sr_1 ______ “From the Earth to the Moon: Episode 4, 1968”, 1998 (M) =nv sr 2 _____ “The Damned United”, 2009 (F. British Soccer Culture) htto:// =nv_sr_] ____s “The Matrix”, 1999 (F, What Spoon, Finale) =nv sr] SOME MOVIES WITH EUROPEAN HISTORY THEMES In general, these are listed from most mature reading to most fun, but really this is a scattershot set of suggested readings: "World War |: The Definitive Visual History”. There are literally hundreds of such titles. hips: // Detinitive- Visual- oks&sr=1-3 History, Edwin P. Hoyt, "The Last Cruise of the Emden", truly, a real life heroic adventure from that most un- glamorous of wars. httos:// Emden- German-Light- History, Winston S. Churchill, "The Second World War"; his memoirs are vivid, comprehensive, and gripping. hitps://www, =| &keywords=winstont+s+churchill+thetseco nd+word+woar&aid=16] 1348839 &sprefix=winston+s+church%2Caps%2C21 4&sr=8- ] Barony, Winston S. Churchill, "The World Crisis"; his recounting of the First World War epoch. 5423853- 19500622 encoding=UTF8&pd ro_i=14742162348pod rd r=3150ddc3-26e5-4bd8-a5d5- 7#50875c7641&pod rd w=BWNWWaépd 1rd wg=t7J4C&pt ra p=f825d01 c-4658-4593-be83- sel 2caéé63t0e&pf rd rEISYH4AXE4IXKZ01 /DOK& psc=1 &refRID=EIPYH4AXE4IXKZ017D0K DVD: “The World at War”, absolutely the finest video history of the Second World War that | have ever seen; dry but engrossing! hitos:// Olivier/dp/BOOO2F6AHO/ref=sr_1_ lekeywords=the+worldtat+wartthames&qi Historical Fiction, Richard McKenna, "The Sand Pebbles", life on a China Gunboat https: // McKenna/dp/BOOORS56RUK/ref=imm_mmp swatch 0¢_encoding=UIF8&aqid=&sr= te nnsenra History, Carol Strickland, ‘The Annotated Arch Naval History, Time-Life Books, "The Dreadnoughts", WWI Naval History- WELL ILLUSTRATED hitps:// ks&Sr=}-2 Dobie History, Time-Life Books, “The Frigates", the US Navy & the Barbary Wars and the War of 1812 Gruppe d BO00K | SBAK ref=tmm_hrd swatch 0? encoding=UTF8&aid=1611349570&8sr= 1-1 Ancient History, "Warfare in the Classical World" WELL WRITTEN & ILLUSTRATED History, Clarence Thomas, "My Grandfather's Son", an incredible and readable memoir with great life lessons for any young man. Bible: William Barclay “Daily Study Bible” series, start with the “Gospel of Mark”, a brilliant study of the Bible in | incredible depth. This is what! use for my daily devotions. It has history, philosophy, theology, geography, and culture. It might be too dry for him now, but maybe not.: https: / Daily-Study- 6084509 &s=gateway&sr=8- | Science Fiction, Culture, Politics: Frank Herbert, “Dune”, a rich and vivid study of human nature, politics, faith, psychology, and economics- a book that reads like the best future history,... and it is fun!: hitps:// Fiction: J.R. R. Tolkien, “The Hobbit” & “The Lord of the Rings”, written by a deeply Christian English Professor, these books show how one small person can change the world for the better (and so much more). “The Hobbit” is a children’s book, but in the first book of “The Lord of the Rings”, the series becomes more mature in the best possible way.: hitps:// Pocket/dp/0544445783/ref=sr_|_l¢keywords=j+rtr+tolkientihet+thobbittandt+ord+oft+thetrinas&qi &s=gateway&sr=8- | Historical Fiction: Esther Hoskins Forbes, “Johnny Tremaine”, set in Revolutionary Boston, this tells the story of a teenager encountering key historical figures and learning what it means to be a man: hitps:// Historical Memoir of Adventure: Richard Henry Dana, “Two Years Before the Mast”, a true-to-life recollection of a young landsman who goes to sea in the age of sail: hitpos:// Henry/d Historical Military Fantasy, Taylor Anderson, Destroyermen Series, Book 1, "Into the Storm", Unserious but fun! https: // roduct/BOO|I ANUOUM/ref=dbs_ a def rwi_hsch vapi tkin pl ié Historical Fiction: C. S. Forester, Hornblower Series, these books tell the story of a fictional young man who grows up and lives his life at sea during the Napoleonic Wars- truly epic! hitps:// Historical Fiction: C.S. Forester, “Mr. Midshipman Hornblower”, the first book in the Hornblower series: hitos:// 1997/dp/BOOHTK2OY4/ref=sr_ | 2¢keywords=c.t+s.+forester+mr.tmidshioman&aid=1566086311&s=books&sr= 1-2 Science Fiction: Isaac Asimov, “Foundation”, the Foundation Trilogy tells the story of the fall and rise of civilization in the far future in a manner related to the fall of THE Roman Empire and the rise of the Christian 43610192 Re § =UTF8& d rd i=0553293354&0d rd r=d8b7424b-e1b1-408f-8642- 447 003 0804ef&od ra w=pB5es&od rd wg=wm9vgé&pt rd _p=43281256- 7633-49 C8-D909- 7ffa7d8cb2le&pf rd r=435RTBDDVD1XRX94GXC9 &psc= | &refRID=435RTBDDVD I XRX94GXCP Science Fiction: Isaac Asimov, “Foundation & Empire”, see Foundation books, above: httos:// 6361 10192 encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_i=05532933708&od _rd_ r=325c7e5d-ctft-4f07-817 1- b180d1290521&pd 1rd _w=TiDZt&od_ rd wg=ajqzF&pf rd_p=a2006322-0bc0-4db?-a08e- d1468c18ce6f0&pf rd_rADIN2J5YST6PX6462N4B8psc=1 &refRID=ADINZJSYST6PX6462N4B BCIENCS Fiction: Isaac Asimov, “Second Foundation”, see Foundation books, above: 43610192 gacoding=iirseod rd j=05532933628&pd rd r=a2bb3406-e4bf-4f0c-b88 1- 08b47895c3d5&o0d_ rd w=|kKDgC&pod rd wg=yCp/7d&pt rd_p=a2006322-O0bc0-4db9-a08e- d168c18ceéf0&pf_rd_ r=7T8BEVCTFMKBA6CCPAHBS &psc= 1 &refRID=7TBEVCTFMKBA6éCCPAHBS Science Fiction: Isaac Asimov, “l, Robot”, the Robot Stories deal with logic and technology in a fascinating way that a young person can relate to: htips: /|-Robot-lsaac- agience Fiction: Isaac Asimov, “The Caves of Steel”, see Robots stories, above: ffOF4é6de5f8f&od rd w=NxSix&od ra wg=6yZCh&pt ra p=a2006322-0bc0-4db9-a08e- * d168cl8ceéf0&pf rd r=1HR875ZIVGGAKIRS 4525 &psc= | &refRID= 1 HR87SZIVGGAKIRS 4528 Scenes Fiction: Isaac Asimov, “The Naked Sun”, see Robots stories above: 43610192 ancodiiasuirenod rd_i=05532933978&pd_ rd 1r=551925b6- 6da1-45a8- b40a- dffOdabc 1400&pd_ rd w=xO0oer&pd rd wg=elVak&pt ra_p=a2006322-0bc0-4db9-a08e- d1é68c 18ce6fO&pf rd r=18 1 QJF22EDWE6YH148RW&psc= | &refRID=181 QJF22EDWE6YH148RW Science Fiction: Robert A. Heinlein, “Starship Troopers” deals with the idea of citizenship practiced during the Roman Republic in a future setting; it explores Civic Duty: htips: LWW. Historical Fiction: Robert Louis Stevenson, “Treasure Island”, a tale of pirates, treasure, courage, and endurance: httos:// 1566087893&s=books&sr= 1-4